Diminish Double Chin Fat with KYBELLA®

By: Dr. Angelo Cuzalina


Many people looking for a sharper jawline are interested in new treatments that reduce the appearance of submental fat (fat beneath the chin). Among these options, KYBELLA is a frontrunner. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Angelo Cuzalina at Tulsa Surgical Arts offers KYBELLA injections in Tulsa, OK as a way for men and women to achieve their desired sculpted jawline.

What is KYBELLA, and how does it work?

KYBELLA's secret weapon is a synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally produced by your body to break down dietary fat. Injected into the submental fat, KYBELLA disrupts these fat cells, causing them to break down. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store fat, leading to a slimmer chin contour.

Here's a quick look at what to expect from KYBELLA injections:

  • A series of small injections under the chin per treatment session
  • Multiple sessions may be needed, typically spaced a month apart, to achieve desired results

Who is a good candidate for KYBELLA injections?

Not everyone is a perfect fit for KYBELLA treatments, and Dr. Cuzalina at Tulsa Surgical Arts recommends a personalized consultation to determine if KYBELLA injections are the right choice for you. Ideal candidates for KYBELLA injections in Tulsa, OK, usually share the following characteristics:

  • Adults with moderate to severe submental fat, looking for a nonsurgical option
  • Individuals who prefer a noninvasive treatment with no downtime compared to traditional surgery

What are the benefits of choosing KYBELLA injections?

Opting for KYBELLA to tackle double chin reduction comes with a host of benefits, making it a popular choice among those seeking a sleeker, more defined jawline without the need for surgery. Some of the advantages include:

  • Double chin fat dissolved without the need for incisions or general anesthesia
  • Minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to their daily activities shortly after treatment
  • Long-lasting results, as the fat cells removed by KYBELLA do not return

Choosing between KYBELLA or neck liposuction

While KYBELLA offers a nonsurgical solution for reducing submental fat, it's important to be aware of all your options. For those seeking a more dramatic result or who have a larger amount of fat to remove, neck liposuction may be a better choice. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves making small incisions and using a cannula to remove targeted fat cells. It typically offers a more long-lasting result in a single session, though it does involve some downtime for recovery. Be sure to consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Cuzalina to discuss both KYBELLA and neck liposuction to determine which treatment is best suited to your individual goals and anatomy.

Are you seeking double chin reduction? KYBELLA injections in Tulsa, OK offer a nonsurgical solution

Tired of hiding your double chin and seeking a solution with lasting results? KYBELLA shots might be the answer you've been waiting for. Dr. Angelo Cuzalina and his team at Tulsa Surgical Arts in Tulsa, OK, are here to guide you every step of the way, from the initial consultation to your final treatment, ensuring you achieve a sleek, defined neckline. Embrace a more youthful, sculpted appearance — ditch the unwanted neck fat and take the first step today. Contact Tulsa Surgical Arts to schedule your first appointment.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.